Thursday, August 18, 2011

Exiting Jones Waldo for good....

This email made me sad today...............................Lindsey you are missed and its only day one!!!!!

Exiting Employee Information

Name: Lindsey Sheffield

Network User ID:

Forwarding Address: YES LINDS TOOK THIS OFF FOR YOU!!!!!! (no creepers coming to your door!!!!!!) ha ha ah

Last Scheduled Work Date: 8/17/2011


Interoffice telephone extension: n/a

Office/Location assignment: n/a

This initial e-mail notice does not take the place of required paperwork or other information completed by the employee in due process. This notice is designed to allow you to process and prepare information for the exiting employee within your area of responsibility."


  1. makes me so so so so so so sad, what a weird feeling. i hate it.

  2. OH MY GOSH!! Katie and Ken! This makes me sooo sad too. But really, there is no reason to be sad cause we'll do lunch all the time. Denver was a blast! It's necessary that we stay in touch because I always need someone to talk to about my dating life! I freakin love you girls! I miss you already!!
